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Children and young people's plan 2017-22 (CYPP)

We want to make sure that all children and young people growing up in Darlington get the best start in life.

For example, we want all children and young people to:

  • feel safe
  • be healthy
  • achieve in school
  • grow up in a caring community
  • enjoy life

The CYPP sets out how we can achieve this.

The plan has been updated to cover 2017-22.

Children and young people's plan 2017-22 [pdf document].

This replaces the previous plan [pdf document], which covered 2014-17.

The CYPP is linked to the vision for Darlington, One Darlington, Perfectly Placed [pdf document]

The plan sets out the following ambitions

  • Ambition 1: Ensuring that all children and young people are safe from any perceived harm.
  • Ambition 2: Improving the health and wellbeing of all babies, children, and young people.
  • Ambition 3: Improving achievement and academic attainment for all children and young people.
  • Ambition 4: Empowering families to be resilient and to achieve economic wellbeing.

We will work together to focus on the following seven main priority actions:

  • Increase breastfeeding rates and reduce the incidence of smoking at the time of delivery.
  • Reduce obesity levels.
  • Improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children and young people.
  • Reduce the number of children and young people living in poverty.
  • Improve school attendance and attainment.
  • Increase the number of young people in work, education, or training.
  • Strengthen families to reduce the need for statutory intervention.

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