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Drains and sewers

The owner of a property is responsible for drains inside the legal boundary.

Northumbrian Water [external link] are responsible for drains and sewers outside the boundary of a property.

Council tenants

Call 01325 405333 to report the fault. We will send someone to inspect it.

If a drain is blocked outside the boundary of your house and garden contact Northumbrian Water.

If they don't respond in good time or you think the problem is getting worse very quickly call us on 01325 405333.

Private owners

If the drains within the boundary are blocked, contact Northumbrian Water.

Private tenants

Northumbrian Water are responsible for unblocking your shared private drains/sewers.

If they do not respond in good time contact the Private Sector Housing Team on 01325 405333 or email [email protected].

If you are having problems with the water company you can contact the Consumer Council for Water [external link].

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