Cookie Consent by Privacy Policies Generator website

This is a test site, not for public use

Information on this site may be out of date and is only intended for use by DBC staff for testing. The live website is available at:

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Publicity and consultations on planning applications

We will:

  • publish all new applications
  • notify next-door neighbours by post
  • display site notices and adverts in the press where appropriate

If we notify you of a planning application we will let you know where and when you can see the application.

You will have 21 days to make any comments.

We will notify any neighbours and interested parties if any material changes are made to the application.

In this case, comments are allowed for another 14 days.

Extra publicity is given to large or important applications. More time is allowed for comments if necessary.

You can view information about all valid planning applications through the Public Access planning portal [external link].

Notification procedure for planning applications [pdf document].

Pre-application consultations

For certain significant developments, developers need to carry out pre-application consultations, view ouradvice pagefor more information.

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