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Rain and flooding

Urgent updates

For information about:

  • roads
  • council services
  • public transport affected by flooding

Visit the public alerts page.

Flooding from roads and public drains

We are responsible for flooding from roads and public drains.

Please email [email protected] or call 01325 405222.

Flooding from sewers and burst water mains

Please report flooding from sewers/burst water mains to your water company.

Flooding from a river

Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

Sandbags and flooding

We maintain a stock of:

  • filled sandbags on pallets
  • reserve sandbags
  • coarse sand

Request sandbags

There are likely to be many requests for sandbags in cases of heavy rainfall and flood.

We have limited resources and we will prioritise our response:

  1. Protecting people (for example, residential homes for older people)
  2. Protecting houses
  3. Protecting commercial premises
  4. Maintaining road and transport links

If we are able to help we will arrange for delivery of sandbags, free of charge.

You cannot collect sandbags

Depending on the situation staff delivering sandbags may be able to help put them out.

If there is high demand they will have to leave them with you.

Sandbags: how to use them to prepare for a flood [external link].

If we are not able to help at first, we will keep your details.

If things change we will bring sandbags to you.

You can also make your own sandbags by buying sandbags and sand at builders merchants.

You can also use pillowcases or refuse sacks filled with garden soil.

Ways to keep flood water out of your property [external link].

After the flooding, we will not collect sandbags.

You can keep them, filled or unfilled, for use in future emergencies.

Where possible we will work with other agencies such as the Environment Agency to maintain flood defences.

Flood warnings

The Environment Agency provides information about the rivers in Darlington and their current flood status.

The Government flood map [external link] has up to date information.

Enter the postcode area that interests you.

Flood risk and future development

Risk of flooding must be taken into account when planning a new development.

More information about blocked drains and sewers.

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