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Programme Information

Aqua Fitness 

Exercising in the water offers a resistance and buoyancy that cannot be experienced when doing regular ground-based exercises. The benefits of aquatic based activity include: lower blood pressure, increased bone density, stronger muscles, corrected body posture, pain relief and weight loss. The calming effect of water on our bodies extends to our minds as well and therefore has a positive impact on things like stress relief.

Aqua Aerobics 

A workout to music whilst in the pool, performing various moves and exercises to get your heart pumping.

Aqua Natal 

A midwife led session giving you a range of water based exercises that are suitable during pregnancy.


This is a high intensity energy blast in the water. The session incorporates equipment including mitts, dumbbells, leg weights and woggles.

Aqua Circuits

Water based circuits class with different stations around the pool for different water based exercises. The session incorporates equipment including mitts, dumbbells, leg weights and woggles.