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Darlington libraries privacy notice

Who do you keep information about?

We keep information about members of Darlington libraries.

Why do you keep information about me?

We use your name, address and contact details to administer your library membership. We are unable to provide a membership unless you provide us with some basic information about yourself.

The law places a statutory duty upon local authorities to provide a library service.

Who can see my information?

Your information can only be seen by staff working in the library service.

How do you store the information you keep about me?

The information we collect from is stored in a secure database.

Is my information transferred to a third country or international organisation?

We do not routinely transfer your data outside of the UK.

How long do you keep information about me?

We keep your information for the duration of your membership and for a period of 5 years after your membership becomes inactive. This information is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.

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