Cookie Consent by Privacy Policies Generator website

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Public footpath orders & public rights of way network privacy notice

Who do you keep information about?

We keep information about landowners who have public rights of way on their property.

Why do you keep information about me?

The information we keep allows to effectively maintain the public rights of way within the Borough. Keeping this information is necessary in compliance with a legal obligation We process this information in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 to resolve any PROW issues.

Who can see my information?

Only names individuals within the highways department can see your information.

How do you store the information you keep about me?

The information is stored within secured files on our computer network.

How long do you keep information about me?

We will keep your information for up to 5 years from the last action. This information is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.

How did the Council get my personal data?

Your personal data is received from yourself or from the Land Registry. In cases where your personal data was obtained from a source other than yourself or your representative, we will inform you of the origin of the information within 1 month, unless that information is being used to contact you, in which case, that information should be provided to you at the latest, upon first communication with you. However, it is not necessary to provide that information in cases where you already possess the information, where recording or disclosure is expressly laid down in law or where provision of the information proves impossible or would involve disproportionate effort. 

What sort of information do you keep?

We may use the following information about you to make sure that we provide you with the right service, advice or support. 

Personal data:

  • Name
  • Location data

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