Change of address
Click ‘Start New Form’ and complete the sections listed on the next page.
If you are moving out of the Borough, you will need to tell your new Council that you are moving in.
You can enter your postcode on the GOV.UK website [external link] and find out what Council area you will be moving to.
Moving within Darlington
Complete this form if you are liable for council tax in Darlington and are moving to another property within Darlington.
Moving into Darlington
Complete this form if you are moving into Darlington from outside of the area.
Moving out of Darlington
Please complete this form if you are currently liable for Council Tax in Darlington and are moving out of the area.
Selling a property
If you are selling a property that you don’t occupy but are responsible for, please complete this form.
Landlord/Letting Agent
Please complete this form if you are a Landlord or Letting agent informing us of a change of tenant.
If you are an executor informing us of the sale of a property, please complete this form.