Council tax discounts
In certain circumstances you may receive a discount on a council tax bill of either 25%, 50% or 100%.
Single occupier (single person discount)
Single Occupancy Discount Application [e-form opens a new window]
The full council tax bill assumes that there are two adults living in a dwelling - if only one adult lives in a dwelling the bill will be reduced by 25%.
If you need to tell us that you are no longer entitled to a single occupier discount please complete the following form.
Single Occupancy Discount Cancellation [e-form opens a new window].
Who is counted when working out my council tax?
Certain people are not counted when looking at the number of residents in a dwelling.
This means if there are two or more adults in a dwelling and all but one of them is disregarded, the bill will be worked out as if only one adult lives there and single person discount will apply.
In some households all the adults may be disregarded and a maximum discount of 50% may be given.
The following groups of people will be disregarded and may result in a discount being given:
- Apprentice - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Carer - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Care worker - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Students or Non-British spouses of students - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Persons aged 18 for whom child benefit is payable - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Persons in detention - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Severely mentally impaired - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- Student nurse - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
- College and school leavers - discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
In some instances if all the residents in a dwelling would be disregarded (for example, students) the property becomes exempt from council tax altogether.
A person who is disregarded may still remain liable for payment of the bill (unless they are severely mentally impaired) even though they are not counted for the purpose of establishing the level of the charge.
Council tax support
Council tax Support provides help for people on low incomes with their council tax bill.
Unoccupied but furnished property
A dwelling that is no one’s sole or main residence but which is furnished (and not otherwise exempt from council tax), will be regarded as a second home. Second homes do not qualify for a discount, unless the person liable for the council tax (or their partner) has the second home for particular job related reasons there may be a 50% discount.
Second home for job related reasons e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
Family annexe discount
If you currently have an annexe which a family member lives in you can receive a 50% council tax discount on the annexe. The new discount is based on the use of the annexe by the resident of the main building or occupation by a family member.
If a non-family member occupies the annexe the discount will not apply.
Family annexe discount application e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
Care leaver discount
If you are a care leaver aged between 18 & 25 who is paying council tax, we may be able to reduce the amount you pay.
To qualify for a reduction, you must be:
- A care leaver under 25 years old
- Live in the council area
- Be named on the council tax bill
The reduction can only be paid up to your 25th birthday.
Care leaver discount e-form [external link]
Council tax discretionary discount
Council tax discretionary discount e-form [e-form opens in a new window]
The Council will only consider requests for relief in exceptional circumstances, for example:
- Council tax payers in receipt of Council tax support who are experiencing severe financial hardship. Or
- Council tax payers who, through no fault of their own, have experienced a crisis or event that has made their home uninhabitable.
However, we will assess all applications on their own individual merits.
Severe financial hardship
For council tax payers on low incomes, the council has set a council tax Support (CTS) scheme, which provides support to those deemed to be within financial need.
We have designed the scheme to take into account the financial and specific circumstances of individuals through the use of personal allowances, additions and income disregards.
The level of support provided through the CTS scheme is the maximum support that the council can financially afford to provide to customers. As part of developing the scheme, it has been necessary to restrict maximum relief to 80% of the council tax liability to working age customers.
The Council will consider applications for discretionary discount from council tax payers who have qualified for support under the CTS scheme, but who are experiencing severe financial hardship.
For the purposes of these applications, severe financial hardship is defined as;
- A situation resulting in debt.
- The possibility of debt, where the situation could or has rendered the person in a state of poverty. In this context, poverty means a person who is unable to meet their normal day to day living expenses.
Other crisis or event
The Council will consider applications for discretionary discount from other council tax payers who, through no fault of their own, have experienced a crisis or event that has made their home uninhabitable, where they remain liable to pay council tax and for which they have no recourse for compensation through an insurance provider.
This will be something that is outside the customer’s control. For example due to a flood, storm damage, fire, explosion or other major incident, which forces them out of their home.
Enquiries about your council tax
If you have an enquiry regarding your council tax please use our e-form below. Please make sure you include your council tax account number to help us deal with your enquiry.
Council tax enquiry e-form [e-form opens in a new window]