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Careers and post-16 options

11-19 Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Young people in school

The responsibility for the provision of independent, impartial careers guidance has moved from local authorities to schools.

If you are still at school your first point of contact will be your school's CEIAG adviser.

Raising the participation age

Young people are required to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday. This doesn’t necessarily mean staying on in school.

Young people can choose how they participate post 16, which could be through:

  • full-time education such as school, college, other training provider or home-education (a minimum of 540 hours per year)
  • an apprenticeship
  • part-time education or training if they are employed, self-employed or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week

Choices after 16

Leaving school is one of the most stressful events of anyone's life and ranks amongst other life-changing events such as births, deaths and marriage.

So what are the choices?

Further Education at a College, School Sixth Form or Learning & Skills

This can be either academic (A-level) or vocational (work-related) courses or a mix of both.

Darlington has four main post-16 education providers:

  • Carmel Sixth Form College
  • Darlington College
  • DBC Learning & Skills
  • Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Darlington College

Central Park, Haughton Road, Darlington, DL1 1DR

Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Vane Terrace, Darlington, DL3 7AU

Carmel Sixth Form College

The Headlands, Darlington, DL3 8RW

Darlington Borough Council Learning & Skills

The Coleridge Centre / Bennet House

There are several training providers that offer Apprenticeships and study programmes, including Darlington Borough Council.

You can find further details on the providers in Tees Valley at Tees Valley Learning Provider Network [external link]


these are jobs with training so you can earn as you learn and gain qualifications.

Further details can be found at the Apprenticeships website [external link] or on the Learning & Skills apprenticeships webpage. 

Study programme

This is a programme of qualifications which aims to support young people to advance into further learning or employment with training.

Study programme.

Advice and guidance

Further advice and guidance is available from your school, or you can contact: The National Careers Service [external link] or by phone on 0800 100 900.

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