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Support for disabled children and young adults

Disabled Children

If the Disabled Child is eligible for support from the Life Stages Service the Social Worker will work with the child and their family to develop a support plan. This is called a Child in Need Plan (CIN plan). This plan will use the progression model in identifying assessed outcomes for the child and the services to meet these needs. This means that when working with individuals and their families we build on the strengths, skills and support networks that the individual has to encourage their independence throughout their life. This is equally important when we are working with an individual to prepare for adulthood (people might know that as transition).

Where a Disabled child has an EHC Plan/One Plan, we also share the CIN plan with our colleagues in the Special Educational Need (SEN) Team. This is so that they can update this into your SEN or EHC Plan. We will aim to review our CIN plan within the same meeting that your EHC plan is also reviewed.

For more information visit the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities webpage.


All adults aged 18 and over who are eligible for support following their Care and Support Needs Assessment, will work with their allocated worker from the Life Stages Service to develop a Care and Support Needs Plan. The plan needs to be agreed by the council. For more information call 01325 406111

This plan will use the progression model in identifying assessed outcomes for the individual and the services to meet these needs. This means that when working with individuals and their families we build on the strengths, skills and support networks that the individual has to encourage their independence throughout their life.

Support available may include:

The Life Stages Service will support both Disabled Children and Adults to maximise their independence and participation within their locality. Wherever possible we will support individuals to use facilities available within their local community. Some of these may be universal services, which are available to anyone, or services which a the Local Authority commissions.

Advocacy services

The Life Stages Service recognises the need for individuals to have access to advocacy services and support. Darlington Association on Disability are currently commissioned to provide this support within Darlington.

Assistive technology

The council can now provide a range of items that can help people to live more independently within the community. It can include items to help with visual and hearing impairments as well as helping to maintain the safety of those with a learning disability. For more information visit the Lifeline and Telecare webpages.

Carers support

When carrying out an assessment, we can also look at the needs of carers. This is to make sure their needs for support, due to their caring role, are taken into account. Carers will be offered a separate assessment of their own needs. For more information, visit the Carers webpages. For carers of people with a learning impairment/autism see the Carers’ Information Pack [pdf document]. This has been developed by the Life Stages Carers’ Network.

Darlington Carers Support Service [external link] also offers information, support and advice to carers including help in contacting specialist services.

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