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Education and training

We want to see all of our Young People thriving and learning new skills and knowledge.

Below is the support available to you:

  • You will receive support, advice and guidance from your Personal Advisor regarding your education and training needs.
  • You will have access to a weekly job club. This is a partnership between the Morrison’s Trust and the Leaving Care team. They can provide you with up to date information with regards to current education and training opportunities, offers short training courses. They can also provide support to complete education and training applications.
  • We will offer you support to attend open days with colleges and training providers and support you to enrol on your chosen course.
  • As a care leaver, you can access bursary payments from your college or training provider. Your Personal Advisor will provide you with a supporting letter detailing your eligibility to this funding.
  • If you are planning to attend University then your Personal Advisor will support you by
    • helping you consider your options,
    • attend Open Days,
    • complete UCAS applications,
    • complete student finance forms,
    • search and support you to apply for scholarships and additional bursaries you may be entitled to,
    • source suitable accommodation to meet your individual needs.
  • If you need uniforms or equipment to complete your course then your Personal Advisor will complete a financial assessment if the college/training provider does not offer this.

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