Cookie Consent by Privacy Policies Generator website

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Working is a great way to earn money, increase confidence and help you get to where you want to be in your adult life.

Support available to you

You will have access to a weekly job club on Thursday afternoons.

The club is delivered in partnership between the Morrison’s Trust and the Leaving Care team within Pease House.

They will ensure that you are work ready by offering:

  • good quality careers advice;
  • CV writing;
  • support with applications;
  • interview preparation;
  • clothing to attend interviews.

We will keep you up to date with upcoming local job fairs and support you to attend these.

We will support you to travel to an interview.

Darlington Borough Council will provide you with a guaranteed interview for their apprenticeships and jobs if you fit the essential criteria.

Support will be provided to understand your rights and entitlements when employed.

Offer work experience / work shadowing opportunities within Darlington Borough Council. Helping you to gain relevant experience in a career area of your interest.

We will help you to inform the job centre of any changes in your circumstances if you wish.

We will provide advice about budgeting money you receive from employment.

If you have any special educational needs we will make sure you receive any help or support you need.

You will have access to a dedicated work coach for care leavers within the job centre at Darlington.

We will provide you with a reference for employment applications.

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