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Sufficiency of childcare review

We have a duty to make sure there is enough childcare for:

  • working parents;
  • parents who are studying;
  • parents who are training for employment.

In Autumn 2022 we carried out a sufficiency of childcare review.

The review looked at childcare for:

  • children aged up to 14 years;
  • 18 years for those young people with a disability.

Relevant documents

Department for Education parent and childcare provider ‘Rights to request’

In Summer 2016, the Department for Education established the parent and childcare provider ‘Rights to request’.

This allows the use school facilities for wrap around and/or holiday childcare at times when the school is not using them.

‘Rights to request’ refer to children from reception up to the end of key stage 3 (year 9).

A parent’s ‘right to request’ refers only to the school that their child attends.

The Department for Education guidance [pdf document] sets out the process schools should go through when considering these requests.

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