Admission arrangements
When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements (including supplementary forms) that will apply for admission applications for the following school year at the normal point of entry.
Where the admission arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.
Determined admission arrangements
Determined admissions arrangements 2024-2025 [pdf document]
The school admission regulations 2012 require admission authorities to set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. For entry in 2024 and for subsequent years thereafter, all admission authorities must have determined their admission arrangements by 28 February each year.
Once arrangements have been determined any objections to them must be made in writing to the School Adjudicator. For admission entry in 2024 objections must be referred by 15 May 2023. The Schools Adjudicator can be contacted at:
The Office of the Schools Adjudicator
Bishopsgate House
Contact can also be made by emailing [email protected].
Once admission arrangements have been determined for a particular school year, they cannot be revised by the admission authority unless such revision is necessary to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the code, admission law, a determination of the Schools Adjudicator or any misprint in the admission arrangements.
Admission Arrangements 2023-2024 [pdf document]
Co-ordinated scheme
Each year all local authorities must formulate and publish on their website a scheme by 1 January in the relevant determination year.
The scheme must detail how the authority co-ordinates the admission arrangements for all publicly funded schools within their area.
Co-ordinated admissions scheme 2024-2025 [pdf document]
Local authority report
Local authorities must produce an annual report for all the schools in their area for which they co-ordinate admissions.
Darlington LA OSA Report 2022 [pdf document]