Information for the ECT
With the introduction of the early career framework[external link], ECTs will follow a specific induction programme of training and support through your school / college. Headteachers have asked us to continue to offer network opportunities for ECTs and details of these are below:
- ECT autumn term network, Tuesday 7 November 2023, 4.15 to 5.15pm
- ECT spring term network, Tuesday 12 March 2024, 4.15 to 5.15pm
- ECT training, SEND and Inclusion training, Tuesday 19 March 2024, 4.15 to 6.00pm
- ECT summer term network, Tuesday 14 May 2024, 4.15 to 5.15pm
All at Tandem Hub [external link] (formally known as Morrisons Trust), Morton Park Business Training Centre, Yarm Road, Darlington, DL1 4PJ
All ECTs will receive meeting invitations via email for these sessions. Please either accept or decline these meeting invitations so we know how many of you to expect.
ECT induction useful links
- Induction for early career teachers statutory guidance [external link]
- Teachers’ standards [external link]
- Early career framework [external link]