UK Parliamentary General Election - 8 June 2017
On Thursday 8 June 2017, elections will be held throughout the country, including Darlington, to elect Members of Parliament to represent their constituencies in the House of Commons.
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General election results 2017
Name of candidate |
Description (if any) |
Number of votes |
BRACK, Kevin John |
UK Independence Party (UKIP) |
1,180 |
CHAPMAN, Jenny |
Labour |
22,681 ELECTED |
CURRY, Anne-Marie |
Liberal Democrat |
1,031 |
CUTHBERTSON, Peter Malcolm |
The Conservative Party Candidate |
19,401 |
SNEDKER, Matthew Charles |
Green Party |
524 |
Turnout and ballot information
Total electorate |
66,341 |
Ballot papers issued |
44,896 |
Rejected ballot papers |
79 |
Turnout |
67.67% |