Authorities Monitoring Report
Formerly known as the the Annual Monitoring Report.
We are no longer required submit an Annual Monitoring Report to the Secretary of State.
The Localism Act (and Town and Country Planning Regulations2012) removed this requirement.
Under the act, we are required to monitor the effects of our land-use policies and the progress of our local plan.
We do this using Authorities Monitoring Reports (AMR).
You can view our report in a series of factsheets, which were most recently updated for the 2014/15 period.
You can view older AMR's below.
Introduction 2014/15 [pdf document]
An outline of the purpose of the AMR and summary of fact sheets available.
Local Plan preparation
Local Plan preparation 2014/15 [pdf document]
An update on work carried out in preparing the Development Plan Documents during 2014-15. Together, these documents make up the Local Plan for the Borough of Darlington.
Implementation 2014/15 [pdf document]
Review of the different elements of the Core Strategy Implementation Framework. Viewed in terms of delivery organisations, means of delivery and funding sources.
Economy 2014/15 [pdf document]
An overview of availability and development of employment land across the Borough. This also reviews future allocations.
Retail and Town Centre
Retail and Town Centre 2014/15 [pdf document]
An overview of availability and development of retail floorspace across the Borough. This also reviews future allocations.
Green infrastructure
Green Infrastructure 2014/15 [pdf document]
An overview of recent and planned intervention in green infrastructure. This includes open spaces, parks and biodiversity. This looks at improving quantity, quality and accessibility of open green space in the urban and natural environment.
Built environment
Built Environment 2014/15 [pdf document]
A review of distinctive and valued historic assets within the Borough.
Sports facilities
Sports Facilities 2014/15 [pdf document]
An overview of investment in Darlington’s sport and recreation facilities. It looks at improving the range of quality, accessible and safe facilities that meet the needs of the community.
Transport 2014/15 [pdf document]
A review of recent and planned interventions designed to encourage more sustainable travel and reduce road congestion.
Please note that only those AMR factsheets that required immediate changes have been updated for 2014/15.
Updated documents will show ‘2014/15’ in the title. We will update the remaining factsheets in due course.
The updates are staggered due to capacity within the team. The team’s primary focus is progressing the Local Plan.
Past Editions of the AMR
Fact sheets updated for 2012/13 (published March 2014)
- Introduction to the 2012/13 [pdf document]
- Local Plan Preparation 2012/13 [pdf document]
- Implementation 2012/13 [pdf document]
- Housing Supply 2012/13 [pdf document]
- Green Infrastructure 2012/13 [pdf document]
- Economy 2012/13 [pdf document]
Fact sheets updated for 2011/12 (published December 2012)
- Introduction 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Local Plan Preparation 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Implementation 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Open Space 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Housing Regeneration 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Retail and Town Centre 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Renewable energy 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Transport 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Flood risk 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Minerals and Waste 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Data and information sources 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Housing Supply 2011/12 [pdf document]
- Economy 2011/12 [pdf document]
Editions of the AMR, 2010/11 and older
- Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11 [pdf document, 1.1mb]
- Annual Monitoring Report 2009/2010 [pdf document]
- Appendix 1 [pdf document]
- Annual Monitoring Report 2008/2009 [pdf document, 1.3mb]
- Annual Monitoring Report 2007/08 [pdf document]
- Annual Monitoring Reports 2006/07 [pdf document 1.6mb]
- Annual Monitoring Report 2005/06 [pdf document 2.4mb]
- Annual Monitoring Report 2004/05 [pdf document]