Planning obligations SPD
When a planning application is made we consider a wider range of issues relating to facilities provided by new developments.
This is to make sure that the right type and amount of facilities are provided.
This helps make the area pleasant for everyone who lives or works there.
Such facilities are known as
- planning obligations
- developer contributions
- s106 agreements
New facilities are only needed where existing facilities cannot cope with the extra use from the new development.
The type and amount of facilities needed in an area vary depending on the kind of development being proposed.
It was adopted on the 31 January 2013.
It replaces the:
- Affordable housing SPD
- Commuted sums from new housing development to enhance children’s equipped play areas SPG
- Open space strategy policies 2019, 2020 and 2021
It provides further detail and guidance on several adopted core strategy policies.
It sets out:
- the process for using planning obligations
- when planning obligations will be sought
- how planning obligations will be calculated
- the way the council expects planning obligations to be delivered
Planning obligations supplementary planning document [pdf document]
Supporting documents
- Adoption statement [pdf document]
- Consultation statement [pdf document]
- Equalities impact assessment [pdf document]
- Disabilities equalities impact assessment [pdf document]