Planning applications committee
Committee meetings
Details of forthcoming Planning Applications committee meetings can be found on the Democratic section of the website.
A full agenda, containing officers reports, will also be made available online a few days before the meeting. Minutes and reports from previous meetings are also online, dating back as far as May 2004.
The role of planning applications committee
The planning application committee is made up of 14 elected members.
Its purpose is to make decisions on important applications. These decisions will take into account the officers’ reports and recommendations.
They will also consider the views of the applicant and of any interested parties.
The committee considers applications which are large, economically significant or where objections have been received by neighbours or from affected bodies.
Only a minority (around 15%) of all planning applications go to the Committee. The rest of the applications are delegated to the Director of Economic Growth. A decision is made in accordance with accepted policy and guidelines.
Attending meetings and submitting your comments
Meetings take place every 4 or 5 weeks. They are usually held on a Wednesday afternoon and start at 1:30pm. Members of the public may attend.
You can get copies of the officers’ report and recommendations beforehand. You can view these online.
Have your say on planning applications [pdf document]
The above document explains how the committee process works. It provides guidance on how to make a statement or submit comments on an application. You can submit comments in advance, even if you do not attend.
Further information
For more details on the legal and political aspects of the committee process please read the Planning Applications committee page in the Democratic section of the website.
The protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with planning matters can be read on the attached document [pdf document].