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Paying for residential or nursing care

Financial assessment

To see the cost to you of a care package complete a financial assessment.

  Start my financial assessment

To discuss your care and support needs further please contact the Adult Duty Team.

Thinking about costs

If you need to go into residential or nursing care one consideration you will think about is the cost.

Care homes will charge their own rate depending of the facilities and amount of support you need.

You will need to contact the home directly for details of their charges.

For more information see:

The Financial Assessment Team will assess whether you may need to make a financial contribution to the cost of your care.

The financial assessment will include your

  • income;
  • saving and assets; and
  • any allowances that you may be entitled to.

Disability living allowance/personal independence payments and attendance allowance are not counted as part of your income.

If your savings are over £23,250 you will have to pay the full cost of your stay in the home.

Any savings between £14,250 and £23,250 will also be taken into account when we work out how much you will have to pay.

Paying for residential and nursing care

For more information on paying for residential and nursing care see the charging for residential or nursing home accommodation leaflet.

Paying for residential or nursing care if you have property

For more information on paying for residential or nursing care if you have property see the charges for people with property leaflet.

This is known as a deferred payment.

Darlington Adult Social Care, along with all other local authorities, must follow Government guidance when making decisions about how to operate their charging policy for home care (or non-residential) services, for example day care, personal care.

If you are assessed as needing support and want to apply to Adult Social Care for help towards the cost, then a financial assessment will need to be completed in accordance with Darlington’s charging policy.

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