Public health
Coronavirus COVID-19
Information for the public on the outbreak of coronavirus in China, including the current situation in the UK and information about the virus and its symptoms.
Latest new and information can be found on the .gov website [external link]
Induction to Public Health
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 gives upper tier and unitary local authorities responsibilities for Public Health from April 2013.
Public Health is about:
- Influencing the factors that affect health and ill health in local communities
- Improving the health of the population
- Protecting the population from hazards to health (health protection)
- Preventing ill health through advising National Health Service (NHS) commissioners of health services and improving quality of services.
The Council carries out this function by:
- Commissioning public health services from a range of providers
- Exercising our influence to improve Public Health outcomes in Darlington
- Provide NHS commissioners with the public health advice they need
- The Director of Public Health (DPH) must provide assurance that there are plans in place to protect the health of the population.
Useful information relating to Public Health in Darlington
- Health Profiles for Darlington
- Health profile 2018 [pdf document]
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- Professional evidence base
For Information on complaints relating to the Public Health Services please see the complaints pages