Evidence Base and National Policy
Welcome to the evidence base and national policy section of our hub.
Here you will find a range of local and national reports and data to support delivery of high quality PSHE.
Will will add any new documents or papers in the updates and articles section.
If you come across anything useful please feel free to share it in the members forum.
- The House of Commons Education Committee Life lessons: PSHE and SRE in schools [pdf document]
- Ofsted Not Yet Good Enough [external link]
- Public Health England Paper linking health and wellbeing with achievement and attainment [pdf document]
- United Nations Convention of Rights of the Child [external link]
- Bailey Report – Letting Children be Children (Examines the effect of the media and early sexualisation) [pdf document]
- Healthy Lifestyles Survey All Secondary Schools Report [pdf document]
- Keeping Children Safe in Education [external link]
- How Safe are our Children? [external link]
- Mandatory Reporting of FGM [pdf document]
- National Curriculum [external link]
- SRE Guidance and supplementary advice [pdf document]
- Sex and relationships education (SRE) for the 21st century [pdf document]
- Promoting British Values [pdf document]
- Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools [pdf document]
- Ofsted Inspection Handbook [external link]
- Prevent Duty [pdf document]