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Margaret Enstone

I started in my role here in Darlington in January so it’s been a very strange time to start a new job! I haven’t been able to get out and about as much as I planned to but I’m looking forward to getting to know the borough better.

My role is a new one and came about as a result of the council declaring a Climate Change Emergency – I’m responsible for working with staff across all the different departments in the council to develop a plan for how we’ll deliver our commitment to becoming a carbon neutral council. That can be anything from looking at ways to make building and vehicles more energy efficient to looking at how we complete individual tasks or the materials we use. I’ve heard some great suggestions from colleagues already.

I’m also here to support colleagues with advice and support on anything sustainability related and keep everyone up to date with our progress.

I love being able to work in an area that I’m absolutely passionate about. I’ve been working or volunteering on environment and sustainability issues for more than 30 years and I do try to do the things I encourage other people to do, such as walking or using public transport where possible and reducing my single use plastic.

Nobody expects everyone to be perfect but we are in a climate emergency and it will take all of us doing what we can to get us through it.”

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