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Trisha English

Trisha English working as a crossing patrol office

Trisha has become part of the scenery at her spot on busy Brinkburn Road; plenty of passers-by stop for a chat even if they aren't crossing the road. 

She first became a crossing patrol officer - or lollipop lady as she prefers to be called - when her own children were young. 

Following in the footsteps of her mum, who was also a lollipop lady, Trisha's seen countless little ones grow up and leave school, including her own. 

Trisha's spot, near the Brinkburn pub, is within walking distance of a number of primary schools including Reid Street and Corporation Road. 

She's one of the council's army of school crossing patrols and it's a job she'd recommend to anyone.

Trisha has become part of the scenery at her spot on busy Brinkburn Road; plenty of passers-by stop for a chat even if they aren't crossing the road. 

She first became a crossing patrol officer - or lollipop lady as she prefers to be called - when her own children were young. 

Following in the footsteps of her mum, who was also a lollipop lady, Trisha's seen countless little ones grow up and leave school, including her own. 

Trisha's spot, near the Brinkburn pub, is within walking distance of a number of primary schools including Reid Street and Corporation Road. 

She's one of the council's army of school crossing patrols and it's a job she'd recommend to anyone.

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