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Cremation and burial fees 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024

Cremation and Burial Fees

Cremation and burial fees
Service Fee
A baby not exceeding twelve months No fee
A child exceeding twelve months but not exceeding eighteen years
(this fee includes £20 for medical referee fees)
No fee
A person whose age at the time of death exceeds eighteen years
(this fee includes £22 for medical referee fees and £60 environmental surcharge)
After post mortem remains £220
All of the above services include: Scattering of cremated remains within our Gardens of Remembrance at an unreserved time; Certificate of Cremation; Use of organ (own organist to be arranged); also use of Chapel (20 minutes), music engine and all attendance after coffin is placed on catafalque by Funeral Director.  
Direct to crematorium,  a person whose age at the time of death exceeds eighteen. (his fee includes £22.00 for Medical Referee Fees and £60.00 for an Environmental Surcharge and is a temporary discounted charge which may be withdrawn) £782


Additional cremation and burial charges

Additional charges
Service Charge
Scattering of cremated remains at a reserved time £50
Extended use of crematorium chapel (20 minutes) £120
Medical referee fees £22
Environmental surcharge £60
Live webcast £48
Live webcast & 28 days availability £54
DVD/Blu Ray/USB copy £60
Additional copies £30
Single Tribute £15
Tribute Slideshow (up to 25 photos) £45
Tribute Slideshow set to music (up to 25 photos) £80
Additional Photos for Slideshows (up to 25 photos) £20
Keepsake of Tributes £20


Urn charges 

Urn charges
Urn Fee
Biodegradable Urn £80
Wooden casket £50
Plastic urn (Postal carton) £20
Metal urn £40
Baby urn £10
Baby box £3


Interment charges

Interment charges
Service Charge
A baby not exceeding twelve months No Fee
A child exceeding twelve months but not exceeding eighteen years No fee
A person whose age at the time of death exceeds eighteen years £990
Interment of cremated remains £220

For the interment in a grave in respect of which the exclusive right of burial has not been granted, the fees will be trebled where the person interred is not a resident of the Borough of Darlington at the time of death.

For an interment in a grave which the exclusive right of burial has been granted. the fees will be doubled where the person interred is not a resident of the Borough of Darlington at the time of death.

Exclusive burial charges

Exclusive burial charges
Service Charges
Exclusive right of burial for a period of 50 years
(Double depth graves are excavated unless single sites are specifically requested)
Half plot (for cremated remains) £505
Quarter plot (for cremated remains or baby) £253

This fee will be doubled if purchased by a non resident of Darlington prior to an interment.

Additional exclusive burial charges

Additional charges
Service Charges
Exhumation of a body (excluding re-interment) £2150
Exhumation of cremated remains (excluding re-interment) £550
Scattering cremated remains on a grave £50
Use of West cemetery chapel £120
Indemnity form (including issue of duplicate grant of right of burial) £50
Interment of after post mortem remains £220
Initial grave maintenance charges (traditional sites only) £50
Annual grave maintenance (traditional sites only) £38


Cemetery memorial rights 

Memorial rights
Service Charges
Permit to erect headstone/memorial in accordance with current regulations £220
Kerbs - traditional sites only £100
Vase - with inscription £80
- which does not include a surname or date
(This is the only option available for unpurchased sites)
No fee
Additional inscription £80

In addition to the above a charge may be made for work done by the cemetery Staff for setting out and any other work connected with erection of memorials.

The right to erect or place a memorial on a grave or vault can only be carried out in respect of gravesites where the exclusive right of burial has been granted:

  • The charges include:
    checking of paperwork and issuing of a memorial grant;
  • inspection of memorials periodically to ensure stability and safety to other cemetery users.

The following fees will be doubled if the memorial is for a person who was a non resident at time of death.

Memorial fees 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024

Book of remembrance charges

Book of remembrance charges
Options Charges
Single entry (2 lines) £70
Double entry (3 or 4 lines) £110
Each additional line £25
Five lines of text with coat of arms/floral emblem £250

More information about the book of remembrance

Memorial card charges

Memorial card charges
Memorial type Charges
Charge per card with a 2 line inscription £25
Charge per card with a 3 or 4 line inscription £30
Each additional line £5
Coat of Arms or Floral Emblem £70
Personal Photographs - set up £50
Additional Photographs - after set up £10

Miniature memorial book charges

Miniature memorial book charges
Memorial type Charges
Charge per book with a 2 line inscription £80
Charge per book with a 3 or 4 line inscription £85
Each additional line £5
Coat of Arms or Floral Emblem £70
Personal Photographs - set up £50
Additional Photographs - after set up £10

Memorial plaque and planter charges

Memorial plaque or planter charges
Option 7 years 14 years 21 years
Wall (3 lines) - relief £250 £370 £470
Wall (3 lines) - gold £310 £430 £530
Planter (3 lines) £370 £490 £590
Wall (6 lines) - relief £370 £490 £590
Wall (6 lines) - gold £430 £550 £650
Replacement plaques - 3 Line red/black relief - £150
Replacement plaques - 3 Line black/gold - £210
Replacement plaques - 6 Line red/black Relief - £270
Replacement plaques - 6 Line black/gold - £330

Memorial kerb vase charges

Memorial kerb vase charges
Kerb vase options Charges
New kerb vases (children's garden of remembrance only) £470
Replacement flower holders £5
Replacement kerb vase plaques £300

Methods of Payment

  • cheque
  • credit card
  • debit card

In person

Cemetery and Crematorium Office
West Cemetery
Carmel Road North

Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 4:30pm

Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm

By post

Cheques payable to Darlington Borough Council

If credit/debit card payment is preferable application forms should be completed and returned to the Cemetery and Crematorium Office.

Once an application is received a member of staff will call to take payment by phone.

Price Information of Cremation and Burial Fees[pdf document]

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