Volunteering allows you to give back to the community, as well as build up experience and skills.
The link below will take you to the funding opportunities website. This contains details of local voluntary sector discussion and news stories.
Good Friends [external link] - Good Friends is an initiative in Darlington that aims to encourage people to offer just a few minutes of their day or week to improve the life of a disadvantaged neighbour.
Darlington Cares [external link] is a partnership of the town's leading employers which works by matching its members to projects and charities in the local community.
Volunteering on a Youth Offender panel allows you to contribute to the reduction of re-offending and rehabilitation.
Apply to volunteer as a school governor
Reach volunteering
We help charities and other non-profits find the skills they need to thrive. Every year hundreds of charities recruit volunteers through our service. These volunteers share their skills as trustees, advisors or mentors, carrying out short term projects or ongoing operational roles.
Our goal is to create a step change in the quality, range and scale of skills-based volunteering and trusteeship in the UK.
Reach volunteering website [external link]
VONNE is the support body for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) in the North East of England. We represent;
- over 700 member charities,
- voluntary organisations,
- community groups,
- networks and social enterprises from across the region with further reach through our many networks.
Why not join us and become a member [external Link].
Darlington Compact
Darlington Compact is a statement of partnership between the public sector and the voluntary and community sector. It is a commitment to working together more closely, and to respect each other's rights and responsibilities.
Darlington Compact document [pdf document, 4mb]
Codes of Practice [pdf document, 3.9mb]
Volunteering opportunity - Move More Team
The Move More team is running activities in a number of sheltered housing schemes and is looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested, or know anybody who may be interested, and have skills in arts/crafts, music or any other activity you think would be beneficial, get in touch with the Move More Team on 01325 254370 or email [email protected].
GOV.UK [external link] has more information about volunteering including your rights as a volunteer and volunteering whilst on benefits.