Fly tipping, littering and dog fouling
Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste.
If you have information that will help us catch the culprit or believe that there may be evidence contained in the fly tip you can report it for investigation by contacting us on: [email protected] or 01325 406999 and our enforcement officers will investigate, with the intention of fining or prosecuting offenders.
Please do not touch anything within the fly tip for your own safety and to ensure evidence remains intact.
We will prosecute offenders for large scale waste offences . Criminals could face a fine of up to £50,000 and a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
We do have the option to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) which will be issued to anyone caught littering, leaving out domestic waste or dumping unwanted household items. FPNs can be as much as £400 and although it acts as a deterrent, it also saves the council time and money without having to pursue offenders through the courts. Dealing with the offence by FPN may be an option should the officer deem the offence to be suitable for such disposal and the offender demonstrates remorse.
If you report a fly tip for investigation we need to know:
- the location, including road names and landmarks so we can find it
- details of any vehicles involved; make, model and registration (if known)
- the type of items tipped and the quantities
- a description of those committing the offence (if known)
- whether you'd be happy to give a witness statement about what you have seen
Where you do not believe that evidence is contained in the fly tip you can report a fly tip for clearance using our online form.
You can also call 01325 405111 if the fly tip poses immediate danger such as a fire risk, obstructing a walkway, could contain asbestos or there are needles within the waste.
Fly tipping on private land is investigated by environmental health. To report it please contact 01325 405111, option 5 or [email protected].
Dog fouling
Anyone who does not pick up when their dog fouls can be fined £100 or face court. Irresponsible dog owners could also be named and shamed.
If you witness dog fouling or have information on the identity of the owner, you can report this to the enforcement team directly and we will investigate and potentially fine the perpetrator. 01325 406999.
If you want to report dog fouling for clearance please email [email protected] or call 01325 405111.
Anyone caught deliberately littering or throwing rubbish from a car can be fined £150 or face court. The maximum fine is £2500 but in many cases the offender will be given the option to pay a fixed penalty notice to avoid prosecution.
If the person is uncooperative or won’t give their name and address they can be referred to the magistrates court.
Our Civic Enforcement Officers patrol throughout the borough as well as the town centre. Anyone seen deliberately littering will be given a fixed penalty notice.
Litter includes cans, bottles, paper, plastic, food and drink wrappers, unwanted food, cigarette ends, flyers and chewing gum.
If you witness littering and can identify the perpetrator call 01325 406999, we will investigate and potentially issue a fine.
You can report littered areas for clearance by calling or emailing [email protected] or calling 01325 405111.