Data protection
UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) works in two ways:
- It places responsibilities on us in relation to how we handle your information; and
- It gives you rights in relation to your information.
Our responsibilities
GDPR contains seven principles, governing the way we use your information:
- Personal data shall be processed in a manner which ensures:
- Lawfulness, fairness and transparency;
- Purpose limitation;
- Data minimisation;
- Accuracy;
- Storage Limitation;
- Integrity and Confidentiality;
- The Controller (the Council) shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with the above (Accountability).
Our data protection policy [pdf document] sets out our commitments in relation to the way we handle your information.
The Act also requires us to maintain a notification [external link] with the Information Commissioner's Office. This notification explains who we share information with and for what purpose. Our registration number is Z4765209.
If you would like more information about our approach to handling your information, please contact us.
Your rights
You have certain rights in relation to the information we hold about you. Further details are available in our Data Subject Guide to Rights [pdf document].
You can find out more about your rights on the Information Commissioner's website [external link].
Accessing your information
GDPR gives you a right of access to your information.
How to make a request
We would appreciate requests in writing. You must:
- Describe the information you want; and
- Provide proof of identification.
We have a request form to help you make your request:
- Request form word version [word document]
- Request form pdf version [pdf document]
We have a Request Procedure [pdf document], which explains more about how we handle requests for information.
Proof of identification
We ask for proof of identification so that we can make sure that you are entitled to the information you have asked for. We ask that you provide a copy of:
- something official with your photograph on (for example, your passport, driving licence, work ID badge)
- something with your address on (for example, a recent bank statement or bill (with the financial information blacked out if you prefer)
If you do not have proof of identification you can still make a request. We might, however, ask you to come into the Town Hall so that we can confirm your identity.
We are committed to making sure that everyone has equal access to our services. To help you make a request we:
- use plain language
- provide support to put a request in writing
- provide information in alternative formats where needed, for example, Braille, large print, audio, easy read formats and other languages
- provide translators where needed, including sign language translators
If you have any special requirements, please let us know.