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Next phase of work to revitalise the Yards to get underway

Next phase of work to revitalise the Yards to get underway
24 June 2022

The next phase of work to revitalise our historic yards is set to begin next week, with the restoration of key entrance ways.

Part of the Town’s Fund programme of works across the town centre, the Skinnergate and the Yards project aims to bring life back to those areas by improving the streetscape and encouraging footfall and support for independent businesses.

The work to improve the alleyway entrances to Buckton’s Yard and Clark’s Yard from High Row will see the existing render, which is in need of repair, removed and the walls inspected before it is replaced.

Once dry, both entrances will be painted in vertical stripes – blue and white for Buckton’s and peach and white in Clark’s – to complement the visual improvements already made in the area.

The aim is to create something eye-catching that will draw in more people to explore the yards and discover the gems that lie within.

Work to both entrance ways is expected to take up to three weeks, starting on Monday (June 27), beginning in Clark’s Yard for two days to remove the render, followed by two days in Buckton’s.

Once the walls have been inspected and work agreed, the programme of short, intermittent closures for the following two weeks will be confirmed and publicised. 

Access to each yard will be maintained during the short closure periods with signage to guide people from High Row to the alternative entrance. The fresh render will take some time to dry and this will be protected with plywood.

The works have been planned to minimise disruption to businesses based in the yards and owners will be kept informed throughout. Listed building consent has been approved for the works to take place.

Councillor Alan Marshall, cabinet member for economy, said: “The work that has been done so far in the Yards has transformed them in to bright, welcoming spaces, full of independent, award-winning small businesses.

“This work is important to protect the integrity of the listed buildings but will also give us the opportunity to brighten up the alleyways and link the work that has been done in the yards through to High Row.

“I’d encourage everyone to take the time to explore the Yards, you never know what you might discover.”

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