Consultation opens on draft Council Plan for 2024-27
Residents, businesses and charities are being invited to give their views on an ambitious plan that sets out the council's vision for Darlington over the next few years.
The draft Council Plan 2024-27 was discussed at a meeting of Cabinet last night (Tuesday 5 March) and councillors agreed to a seven-week consultation period, starting today and running until Thursday 25 April.
At the heart of the draft plan is the vision: for Darlington to be one of the best places in the UK to live, work, learn and invest – with a strong economy, healthy thriving communities and opportunities for all.
The plan is underpinned by six priorities, each of which identify a number of key deliverables. The priorities are:
- Economy: A strong, sustainable economy and highly skilled workforce
- Homes: Affordable and secure homes that meet current and future needs
- Living well: A healthier and better quality of life for longer, supporting those who need it
- Children and young people: best start in life, realising potential and raising aspirations
- Communities: Healthier, safer and more engaged
- Environment: A well connected, clean and sustainable borough.
Councillor Steve Harker, Leader of the Council, said: “Three core values feed into the plan – addressing inequalities, tackling the climate crisis and making efficient use of resources.
“We also recognise the challenges we face, which is why we’re determined that this council will deliver the services people need.
“Darlington is a wonderful place, but every day we’re seeing an increased need for care and support, with a cost-of-living crisis causing hardship for residents and businesses.
“So it’s more important than ever that the council – in partnership with residents, communities and local organisations – work together to deliver action. This plan sets out how we’ll go about it.
“I’d encourage everyone to take a look and feed into the consultation process by letting us know your views.”
After the consultation process, an updated version of the plan will be considered by councillors later in the year.
To read the draft council plan and tell us what you think, visit