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Orders and warning information

Detention and Training Order (DTO)

A Detention and Training order is a custodial order of between 4 and 24 months given to under 18s. Half of the sentence is served in custody and half in the community with supervision from the YOS.

More information about Detention and Training Orders [external link] 

Youth Rehabilitation Order (YRO) 

A Youth Rehabilitation Order is a court ordered community sentence for young people; it combined several types of existing orders with the aim of making a more flexible, individual approach to sentencing young people who have offended. A YRO will contain ‘requirements’ which detail what the young person will be expected to do as part of their community sentence. The potential requirements are as follows:

  • activity requirement
  • curfew requirement
  • exclusion requirement
  • Local Authority residence requirement
  • education requirement
  • mental health treatment requirement
  • unpaid work requirement (16/17 years)
  • drug testing requirement
  • intoxicating substance misuse requirement
  • supervision requirement
  • electronic monitoring requirement
  • prohibited activity requirement
  • drug treatment requirement
  • residence requirement
  • programme requirement
  • attendance centre requirement
  • intensive supervision and surveillance (based on the current ISSP)
  • intensive fostering

More information about Youth Rehabilitation Orders (YRO) [external link]

Referral Order

A Referral Order is a court order sentence for young people; it utilises members of the community who form ‘panels’ to decide on a contract for the young person to complete whilst on their order, a Referral Order can be up to 12 months.

More information about Referral Orders [external link]

Out of Court Court Disposals

There are four Out of Court Disposals available in the area covered by Darlington YOS. These include: 

These disposals were introduced in 2013 and replaced the previous police reprimand/final warning disposals. The cautions require certain conditions to be met before it can be issued. The ‘Conditional’ caution involves statutory elements of intervention and requirements whereas the ‘Youth Caution’ involves voluntary elements of work.

3 - Pre-Caution

This is a voluntary programme and you can refuse to complete it, however, if you do the Pre-Caution will be replaced by a Youth Caution.

4 - Restorative Justice (Community Resolution)

A 'Community resolution' resolves a minor offence or anti-social behaviour incident through informal agreement between the parties involved, as opposed to progression through the traditional criminal justice process. It is primarily aimed at first-time offenders, where there has been an admission of guilt the victim’s views have been taken into account. Community resolution allows police officers to make decisions about how to deal more proportionately with low-level crime.

More information about Pre-Court Disposals [external link]

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