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Service areas

The structure of the Youth offending service

Service area roles and descriptions

  • Service Manager, responsible for the YOS, their role is to steer service direction
  • YOS Team Manager, responsible for day to day management of staff and service delivery, quality assurance and sign off responsibility
  • Victim Liaison Officer, who meets and supports those impacted by youth crime
  • YOS Advanced Practitioner, line management responsibility and assists the Team Manager in their duties
  • Intervention Worker, who deals with delivery of interventions and ASB referrals for early intervention work
  • Information Officer, prepares data reports and feedback to the team and for the YJB/Management Board
  • Reparation and Activities Team Co-ordinator, responsible for overseeing the reparation and activities team
  • YOS Police Officer, a seconded worker who is a direct link to the Police and works predominantly with out of court cases
  • Business Support, assist the team in administration tasks and other duties
  • Health and Wellbeing Worker, is a new role funded by health partners, supporting young people in an array of ways with a focus on health needs
  • Supervising Officers, are assigned workers who deal with all aspects of a young person’s case and other duties of the YOS such as court
  • Probation Officer, completes duties as outlined in the supervising officer role  but has an additional focus on the successful transition of cases to adult services, organising handover meetings or working with the young person on their probation caseload to provide continuity and familiarity when required
  • Community Panel Members, discussed later in this plan under the ‘Volunteers’ section
  • Reparation and Activities Team are responsible for delivering all forms of reparation as well as other positive activity sessions with young people 

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