Core Strategy DPD examination
The Council adopted its Core Strategy Development Plan Document on 6th May 2011.
The Planning Inspector Patrick T Whitehead Dip TP (NOTT), MRTPI, conducted an examination to determine if the Core Strategy is sound.
A copy of his report [pdf document] was published and issued on 13 April 2011.
Hearing documents
As part of the Examination the Inspector held a series of hearing sessions. The Hearing Examination ran from the 25th to 27th January 2011. Documents relating to the hearing include:
- ID/1 Inspectors Guidance Notes [pdf document]
- ID/2 Draft Hearing Programme [pdf document]
- ID/3 Inspector's request for further clarification [pdf document]
- ID/4 Inspector's request for further clarification annex [pdf document]
- ID/5 Matters and Issues Day 1 of hearings (Matter 1) [pdf document]
- ID/6 Matters and Issues Day 2 of hearings (Matters 2 and 3) [pdf document]
- ID/7 Matters and Issues Day 3 of hearings (Matter 4 and 5) [pdf document]
- ID/8 Inspector's RS references reinstatement letter [pdf document]
Council documents
Representor documents
- Representations to the Core Strategy [pdf document]
- Representations listed in policy order [pdf document]
- CD023 Ward Hadaway on behalf of land owner (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD024 Barton Willmore on behalf of the Church Commissioners for England (written statement) 102020 Letter to programme officer [pdf document]
- CD025 Barton Wilmore on behalf of The Church Commissioners for England Darlington SHLAA update diagram [pdf document, 777kb]
- CD026 Smith Gore on behalf of Durham Cathedral (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD027 Banks Renewables (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD028 England and Lyle on behalf of land owner Map [pdf document, 10.3mb]
- CD029 England and Lyle on behalf of land owner (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD030 Barton Willmore on behalf of St Modwen Developments Ltds (written statement for matter 1) [pdf document]
- CD031 Barton Willmore on behalf of St Modwen Developments Ltds (written statement for matter 3) [pdf document]
- CD032 Barton Willmore on behalf of St Modwen Developments Ltds (written statement for matter 4) [pdf document]
- CD033 Barton Willmore on behalf of St Modwen Developments Ltds (written statement for matter 3 appendix) [pdf document]
- CD034 Barton Willmore St Modwen Developments Ltd BBC newspaper clipping [pdf document] CD034 Additional information
- CD035 Barton Willmore St Modwen Developments Ltd Location plan (additional information) [pdf document]
- CD036 Barton Willmore St Modwen Developments Ltd Appendix 2 Assessment [pdf document] CD036 Additional information [pdf document]
- CD037 Barton Willmore St Modwen Developments Ltd Faverdale 58 document [pdf document 4mb]
- CD038 Ward Hadaway on behalf of land owner - Additional information post EiP in response to CS13 [pdf document]
- CD039 The Theatres Trust - Additional information post EiP [pdf document]
- CD040 Banks Renewables - Additional information post EiP in response to DBC017 (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD041 Banks Renewables Additional information post EiP in response to DBC017 (overlay map) [pdf document]
- CD042 Banks Renewables - Additional information post EiP in response to DBC017 (cabinet report) [pdf document] - To be updated
- CD043 Additional information post EiP (written statement) [pdf document]
- CD044 Additional information post EiP in response to DBC018 (written statement)
- CD045 Mrs Ord - Additional information post EiP (written statement) [pdf document] - To be updated
- CD046 Peacock & Smith on behalf of Bussey & Armstrong Additional information post EiP (written statement) [pdf document] - To be updated
- CD047 Barton Willmore on behalf of The Church Commissioners for England - Additional information post EiP (written statement) [pdf document]
Hearing library
The creation of the core strategy has been informed by a wide range of important documents.
You can download these documents form the hearing library page. They can also be made available to view at the Town Hall.
Hearing procedures
- Planning Policy Statement PPS12 - Local Spatial Planning (CLG)
- Planning Advisory Service web based Plan Making Manual
- A brief guide to examining development plan documents [pdf document]