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Central Park Enterprise Zone

The Government is pursuing its programme of Enterprise Zones throughout the country. This helps aid economic recovery and stimulate growth. The Tees Valley Enterprise Zone was announced as part of a 2011 budget. The agreed format between the government and the Tees Valley Unlimited took place in August of that year. 12 sites will enjoy a range of incentives. These include financial incentives, simple planning rules and high speed broadband.

The Tees Valley Enterprise Briefing Note and Map can be viewed below:

Central Park is Darlington’s only Tees Valley Enterprise Zone. 

One of the conditions of the designation of the enterprise zone is that they offer simple planning rules. The government is promoting the use of Local Development Orders (LDO). They help simplify the process.

LDO’s grant planning permission for specific types of development where it is appropriate. They set out the type of development that will no longer need planning. If the proposed development reaches the requirements of the LDO it is assumed that planning consent has been given. Development can then start.

It is proposed that the Central Park Enterprise Zone will permit development for different areas. These include business, limited retail, café and restaurant and drinking companies. These will be under certain means.

The Central Park Enterprise Zone will only form one element of the wider Central Park. It will cover the areas identified as being suitable for commercial development. The LDO will only cover these areas. The council is working with the developers to revise the Central Park master plan. They are working to have new planning permission in place by Summer 2012.

What happens next

The Central Park Enterprise Zone has been designated. It is available for development.

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