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Apply for the Healthy Families Catering Award

In Darlington, more than 2 in 10 of children aged 10-11 years are living with obesity (2019/20).

Childhood obesity impacts on children’s ability to thrive, and may cause bone and joint problems, poor immunity, breathing issues and poor mental health.

The government obesity strategy (July 2020) outlines the need for a whole community approach to address the local environment, including the high street and settings where we live, work, go to school and play.

In Darlington, the childhood healthy weight plan upholds a vision to support every child to feel emotionally and physically healthy, by providing opportunities to play and have access to and enjoy healthy foods.

Parents can often feel like they are swimming against a powerful flood of unhealthy foods. A community approach that supports families can work as a lifeboat and help improve children’s health.

Shifting towards making healthy choices easier choices will support our families to flourish.

Children’s food preferences and eating habits are formed early in life with consequences for their health and development outcomes in later life.

It is important that the food offered in early years settings provides appropriate amounts of energy and nutrients and encourages the development of healthy eating habits in young children, both to support appropriate growth and development, and as part of national priorities to reduce childhood obesity and ensure every child has the best start in life.

Guidance for early years settings in England

The World Health Organization (WHO) Report from the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity recommends that formal childcare settings should ensure they only serve healthy foods, drinks and snacks, incorporate food education and understanding into the curriculum, and physical activity into the daily routine. They should also engage the whole community to support the promotion of healthy lifestyles for young children.

The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England have helped set a national benchmark for food provision in childcare.

They provide age-appropriate advice on how to meet the nutritional requirements of young children and how to support settings to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage welfare requirement to provide ‘healthy, balanced and nutritious’ meals, snacks and drinks.

Example menus and guidelines

Data Protection

When you complete your application form you are providing information about your premises, however, some of the information may be classed as personal data, for example, your name, address, and telephone number, if you also reside at that address.

Contact details of your business may be published in Award materials and on the Council’s website. If you do not wish to have your details published you must tell the Officer dealing with your application.

On receipt of your application you will be contacted by an officer from the Environmental Health Section within one working day to arrange a visit to your premises.

Apply for the award online

Healthy Early Years Catering Award for Settings

This form is for early years settings, for example a private or local authority nursery.

Healthy Early Years Catering Award for Settings

Healthy Early Years Catering Award for Childminders

This form is for childminders.

Healthy Early Years Catering Award for Childminders

Frequently asked questions

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