Policy framework and performance
The policy framework includes mandatory and discretionary documents.
These documents are routinely reviewed and have processed through the appropriate democratic routes for adoption by Council and, where applicable, its partners.
Partner Plans and Strategies
- Darlington’s Children and Young People’s Plan 2017-2022 [pdf document]
- Darlington’s Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2022
- Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Strategy 2019-22
- Darlington’s Community Safety Partnership Plan
- Tees Valley Joint Waste Management Strategy 2020-35 [pdf document]
Council Plans and Strategies
- Council Plan 2020-2023
- Economic Strategy 2012-26 [pdf document]
- Cultural Strategy 2022-26 [pdf document]
- SEND Accessibility Strategy [pdf document]
Environmental and place based plans
- Local Plan for Darlington 2016-36 [pdf document]
- Local Plan Policies Map 2016-2036 [pdf document]
- Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 [pdf document], (this plan will be reviewed during 2022/23)
- Green Infrastructure Strategy 2013-26
- Climate Change Strategy 2021 and action plan
- Playing Pitch and Sports Facility Strategy
People based plans
- Equality Policy 2018-22
- Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-24 [pdf document]
- Darlington Oral Health Plan 2017-22 [pdf document]
- Darlington Youth Justice Plan 2017-2018 [pdf document]
Operational Plans
- Customer Services and Digital Strategy 2021-24
- Housing Customer Engagement Strategy 2021-24 [pdf document]
- ICT Strategy 2022 [pdf document]
- Library Plan 2017-21 [pdf document]
- Darlington Borough Council Licensing Policy [pdf document]
- Medium Term Financial Plan
- Treasury Management Strategy [pdf document], [word version]
Recent Performance Reports
Council Plan
- 2022-23 Q2 Council Plan Performance report [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q2 Council Plan Performance data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Council Plan Performance report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Council Plan Performance data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Council Plan Performance report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Council Plan Performance data [pdf document]
Scrutiny Committee (Adults)
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) report [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) data [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) report [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) data [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) report [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Adults) data [pdf document]
Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People)
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q1 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q1 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q3 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q3 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q1 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q1 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) report [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Children & Young People) data [pdf document]
Scrutiny Committee (Communities & Local Services)
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Communities & Local Services) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Communities & Local Services) report [pdf document]
Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources)
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) report [pdf document]
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) data [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) data [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q3 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) report [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q3 Scrutiny Committee (Economy & Resources) data [pdf document]
Scrutiny committee (Health & Housing)
- 2022-23 Q2 Scrutiny committee (Health & Housing) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q4 Scrutiny committee (Health & Housing) report [pdf document]
- 2021-22 Q2 Scrutiny committee (Health & Housing) report [pdf document]
- 2020-21 Q4 Scrutiny committee (Health & Housing) report [pdf document]
Information is gathered from a number of sources to inform the development of strategies and policies.
Some of this information can be found in the 'Key Data' section of our website.
Please visit our Forward Plan page for more information about policies and strategies to be presented at future Cabinet meetings.