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Start my Move More journey

No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind.

Adults should aim to be active every day. Some is good – more is better still.

It can be part of your daily routine, such as walking to work or school - a brisk walk instead of driving can boost your energy, lift your mood and make everyday activities easier. Or, you can join an activity group or sports club to get started.

Here you can find out your options for getting active in Darlington, whether it’s at home, out on your own or as part of a team.

Each section will give you information for if you are starting out or want to jump back in!  

Don’t forget about your mental health too! Now more than ever we need to look after ourselves the best we can. For local information on mental health services visit out Livingwell directory or for support from a relevant charity you can get more information on the NHS website [external link]