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Exercise at home

As we are spending more time at home, now is a great time to start exercising in your own home space.

Whether it’s first thing in the morning, a break from the makeshift home-office at lunch, or a way to kick off your Friday night – this content is here for you, when you need it.

No matter your age there is a way to keep active at home, whether its chair based exercises or getting in a higher intensity workout; you can find something for you using the links below.

Tees Valley sport [external link] have shared these great stretch-based activities including videos for those working from home to do at your desk.

If you are looking for some higher intensity workout’s Sport England [external link] with partners have some fantastic resources to get you moving.

Fancy working out with the Body Coach – Joe Wicks, or trying some Nike work outs? Or maybe the NHS stretch and cardio is your thing?

Maybe your worried about your strength and would like to reduce your risk of falling.

Public Health England have produced a fantastic booklet [pdf document] offering guidance on activities you can do in the home and some safety tips on falls prevention and management.

Don’t forget your mental health too! If you are working from home, make sure you step away from your desk at regular intervals during the day and try to take a walk or do some stretching on your lunch break.

Think about your limiting your screen time outside of your working hours and taking a break from Social Media.

The NHS [external link] have some simple tips on how to tackle working from home, they have also created some short 10 minute workouts [external link] that you can fit into your day.