Development management privacy notice
Who do you keep information about?
We process your personal information in accordance with legal obligations including:
- Local Government Act 1972
- The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)
- Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
- Planning Act 2008
- Localism Act 2011
- Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Housing and Planning Act 2016
- The Commons Act 2006 and the Commons (Registration of Town or Village Greens) (Interim Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2007
We keep information about individuals who have applied for planning permission, been consulted on developments, commented on developments or who have objected to planning applications. We also keep information of individuals when we investigate breaches of planning control and Appeals against refusal of planning permission.
Why do you keep information about me?
- Statutory requirements for processing planning applications for example the land charges register
- Investigating breaches of planning control
- Service improvement and local planning
The GDPR condition we are relying upon to process your personal data is that it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
Who can see my information?
Staff from a number of different parts of the Council see the information you provide as part of determining a planning application, commenting on an application or as part of complaints investigation.
Comments received on planning applications are public documents and as such will be available to view as part of the planning application file on request, this will include any personal data you are required to provide when making a comment.
We will publish your comments on our website, this will include your name and address, as far as is necessary to determine planning permission. However, we will not publish your telephone number or email address on our website. All comments published on our website will be removed once the planning application is determined.
How do you store the information you keep about me?
We store information within password protected databases and in a Document Management System, having first redacted any personal identifiable information from images.
Is my information transferred to a third country or international organisation?
How long do you keep information about me?
We keep detailed information about planning applications for 5 years and enforcement matters for 10 years. We will keep some information indefinitely as it may form part of the Planning Register.
When forms have been submitted the paper form will be scanned and the original paper is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.
What sort of information do you keep?
We may use the following information about you to make sure that we provide you with the right service, advice or support.
Personal data:
- Name
- Address
- Contact telephone numbers
- Contact email addresses
- One or more factors specific to the economic identity of a person
Special categories of personal data:
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Religious or philosophical beliefs
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation