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Families together programme privacy notice

How are we using your information?

The Family Intervention Team works with eligible families to provide support which will improve their family life. If your family is assessed as eligible to receive support from us, we will share your personal information (including your name and date of birth) with the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for research purposes.

How will it affect me?

It will not affect your benefits, services or treatments that you get. Your information will be anonymous and handled with care in accordance with the law.

Why is my information being shared?

We are sharing your information to help improve the services your family and other families receive in the future.

What if I have some more questions?

The best person to speak to is your support worker or social worker if you want to see your information or have more questions because they know most about your case. You can also talk to the Complaints and Information Governance Team if you have questions that your support worker or social worker cannot answer. The Complaints and Information Governance Team’s telephone number is 01325 406777.

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