Core Strategy
Adoption of the Core Strategy
We adopted the Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) on 6 May 2011.
The DPD sets out how the Borough will develop over the next 15 years (2011-2026).
The DPD replaces several policies in the Borough of Darlington Local Plan (1997).
- Core Strategy DPD [pdf document]
- Key Diagram [pdf document]
The Path to Adoption
October 2010
The Core Strategy is submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.
A hearing was held from the 25 to 27 January 2011.
The hearing was conducted by Planning Inspector Patrick T Whitehead Dip TP (NOTT), MRTPI.
Further details of this can be seen on the Hearing Library.
The Core Strategy as it was submitted to the Inspector:
- Submission Core Strategy [pdf document]
- Proposed Minor Amendments to the Draft Core Strategy [pdf document]
- Statement of Community Involvement [pdf document]
- Consultation Statement [pdf document]
The Council's initial responses to the representations:
- Initial Responses to Representations [pdf document]
- Representations to the Core Strategy [pdf document]
- Representations Listed in Policy Order [pdf document]
Publication Draft Core Strategy 2010
Publication of the draft strategy followed three earlier consultations.
Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options 2010
The consultation period on the above closed on 28 February.
The documents that were published for consultation are set out below:
- LDF Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options (full document) [pdf document, 5.2mb]
- Help Plan the Future of Darlington [pdf document, 1.2mb]
- Draft Darlington Local Infrastructure Plan [pdf document, 1.2mb]
- Darlington Local Infrastructure Plan Appendix 1: Darlington Cycle Map [pdf document, 2.3mb]
- Darlington Local Infrastructure Plan Strategic Sites Key Diagram [pdf document, 296kb]
- Sustainability Appraisal [pdf document, 1.7mb]
- Sustainability Appraisal Report: Appendices [pdf document, 6.6mb]
- Non technical summary of the Sustainability Appraisal [pdf document, 346kb]
- Habitats Regulations Assessment: Appropriate Assessment Screening Report [pdf document, 913kb]
- Equalities Impact Assessment [pdf document]
- Disability Equalities Impact Assessment [pdf document]
Core Strategy Background papers [external link]
Responses received to the consultation of the Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 3 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 4 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 5 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 6 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 7 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 8 [pdf document]
- CSRPO Comments Chapter 9 [pdf document]
- CSRPO comments General, LIP and SA [pdf document]
Summary of comments from public meetings [pdf document]
Core Strategy: Preferred Options 2008
Consultation on the Core Strategy: Preferred Options has now ended.
The responses have been summarised and can be read in the summary document [pdf document, 373kb].
The same key issues are addressed, relating to:
- Achieving a more Sustainable Community
- A Prosperous Darlington
- A Vibrant Town Centre and Accessible Local Services
- Quality Housing for all
- A Distinctive, Greener, Cleaner, Safer Darlington
- A Healthy Darlington
- Efficient and Effective Transport Infrastructure
- Core Strategy: Issues and Options 2008 [pdf document, 953k]
- Summary [pdf document]
- Publicity Leaflet [pdf document, 427k]
- Sustainability Appraisal Report [pdf document, 1.54mb]
- Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary [pdf document, 653kb]
- Appropriate Assessment [pdf document 387kb]
- Appropriate Assessment Report [pdf document]
- Appropriate Assessment Non-Technical Summary [pdf document]
Sustainability Appraisal - scoping report
The final report has been produced following a period of consultation on a draft SA scoping report.
- Final Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report August 2009 [pdf document]
- Final Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Appendices August 2009 [pdf document]
- Responses to Comments Made on the Draft SA Scoping report [pdf document]
Issues and Options 2008
A consultation was carried out between 7 January and 15 February 2008.
A total of 101 responses were received.
- Contents [pdf document]
- Introduction [pdf document]
- Visions and objectives [pdf document]
- Theme 1 [pdf document]
- Theme 2 [pdf document]
- Theme 3 [pdf document]
- Theme 4 [pdf document] - To be updated
- Theme 5 [pdf document]
- Theme 6 [pdf document]
- Theme 7 [pdf document]
- Sustainability appraisal and appropriate assessment [pdf document]
- Any other comments [pdf document]
- Appendix 1 [pdf document]